February 24, 2020
What: “Langston Hughes - The Crisis Magazine and the Harlem Renaissance”
When: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
Where: Spencer Cave Black History Month Lecture, Park University, Parkville, MO.
November 11, 2019
What: "Fantastic Dreams and Radical Visions: Researching and Writing on the NAACP’s Anti-Lynching Activism in the Age of Trump"
When: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Langston Hughes Center/Lawrence Public Library’s Diverse Dialogues on Race and Culture, Lawrence, KS.
May 13, 2019
What: "65 Years After Brown v Board"
When: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Langston Hughes Center/Lawrence Public Library’s Diverse Dialogues on Race and Culture, Lawrence, KS.
April 19, 2019
What: "Reflections on the Content and Structure of Black Studies: 50 Years of the W. E. B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies."
When: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: W. E. B. Du Bois Department Symposium “Wake Up: Reflections on Our Past & Envisioning Our Future,” Amherst, MA.
November 15-16, 2018
What: “Fantastic Dreams and Radical Visions: The NAACP and the Foundations of a Movement”
Where: Wichita State University’s Annual History Lecture, Wichita, KS
October 8, 2018
What: "Race and the Supreme Court."
When: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: Gilder Lerhman Institute Teaching History Through History Workshop, Texarkana, TX.
September 9, 2018
What: "Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin."
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: Baldwin City Public Library, Kansas Humanities Council TALK Program, Baldwin City, KS.
June 1-3, 2018
What: “Teaching Iconic Civil Rights People, Organizations, and Events from Freedom Summer to the Black Panther Party”
Where: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
December 6, 2017
What: "Gordon Parks' The Learning Tree."
When: 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Where: Butler Community College, Kansas Humanities Council TALK Program, El Dorado, KS.
September 8, 2017
What: "Confederate Monuments."
When: 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Where: The Commons, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
June 5, 2017
What: “Langston Hughes's Not Without Laughter."
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: Hays Public Library, Kansas Humanities Council TALK Program, Hays, KS.
December 5, 2016
What: "Defining Justice: Between the World and Me."
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, MO.
November 10, 2016
What: "The Battle for Respect: Black Soldiers in WWI."
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: The Black Archives of Mid-America, Kansas City, MO.
October 12, 2016
What: "Student Activism and Campus Climate."
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: Student Affairs, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
September 23, 2016
What: "Student Activism and Campus Climate."
When: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: Gilder Lerhman Institute Professional Development Seminar, Dover, NJ.
April 21, 2016
What: “The Night Tulsa Burned” - 20th Century Civil Rights & Liberties Film Series
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: National Archives at Kansas City, Kansas City, MO - The Greater Kansas City Black History Study Group, ASALH
April 21, 2016
What: “The Night Tulsa Burned” - 20th Century Civil Rights & Liberties Film Series
When: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Where: National Archives at Kansas City, Kansas City, MO - The Greater Kansas City Black History Study Group, ASALH
January 25, 2016
What: The Lessons of W. E. B. Du Bois for Today’s Political Moment
When: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, MO. - The Greater Kansas City Black History Study Group, ASALH
January 7, 2016
What: “Gordon Park’s The Learning Tree”
When: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Where: Aitchison Public Library, Aitchison, KS
November 13, 2015
What: “Scholarly Perspectives on Booker T. Washington’s Thought and Leadership: A Century of Debate”
When: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Where: SHA, Little Rock, AR
November 7, 2015
What: “W. E. B. Du Bois: An American Intellectual and Activist” - Kansas History Author’s Day
When: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (12:00 - 12:30 pm)
Where: Watkins Museum, Lawrence, KS
November 4, 2015
What: “The History and Lessons of Reconstruction Violence and the Ku Klux Hearings”
When: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Where: ECM, Lawrence, KS
October 22, 2015
What: “The Lessons of W. E. B. Du Bois for the Black Lives Matter Generation”
When: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Where: Loras College, Dubuque, IA
September 26, 2015
What: “Out of Touch or Visionary?: W. E. B. Du Bois, Self-Segregation and the NAACP”
When: 2:00 - 3:50 pm
Where: ASALH, Atlanta, GA
September 24, 2015
What: “Booker T. Washington: His Image and Legacy after 100 Years”
When: 2:00 - 3:50 pm
Where: ASALH, Atlanta, GA
September 8, 2015
What: “The Civil War, African American Soldiers and General Order #143”
When: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: Independence Public Library, 220 E. Maple St. Independence, KS
September 7, 2015
What: W. E. B. Du Bois: An American Intellectual and Activist
When: 8:00 am
Where: KAZI 88.7 FM Austin, TX (Click on the link to listen)